Sunday, September 11, 2011


As a follow up to my last post I'm going to post some pictures of water.  Water can be the most interesting thing to photograph sometimes.  There is so much variance in it you can take a long exposure of fast moving water and get a ethereal ghostly effect or you can take quick snapshots and freeze fast flowing water.  Capturing something you wouldn't normally be able to see.

The best thing about water is how abstract it can be.  You can play around with reflections and colors and create an image that looks like a an alien landscape or some kind of weird plant.

You could photograph water all day and never run out of interesting things to do with it.  

If you are shooting on a sunny day you can afford to bump up the shutter speed to capture moving water in really interesting ways.

Water can add so much to a photo, the variability of it always makes it interesting take for example these two shots.

Both are different in color and mood but are essentially the same subject matter.  Here's one more photo for good measure.  Taken on the Delaware river it's one of my favorites.

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