Sunday, September 18, 2011

The HDR Photography of Trey Ratcliff

A very interesting technique to use is HDR or High Dynamic Range photography.  Its a method that is newly available to photographers through the benefits of digital cameras and the ability to edit them in photo software.  Basically what it involves is digitally blending several pictures of the same thing together but each picture is slightly different in contrast exposure et cetera.  I don't have the software required for this technique yet but I wanted to show it anyway so Ill be sampling some of Trey Ratcliff's photos.  You can find some of his best work here.  Here are a few of my favorites:

This technique can really bring out the beauty in the natural world.

It can also be really abstract as seen here:

Darker shots are also great looking
My favorite out of all his pictures this one has so much intrigue

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