Monday, September 5, 2011

Water drops

An interesting project you can do if you have the materials and equipment is to attempt to photograph water drops.  I can't lie this is not an original idea I got it from somewhere on the internet.  I don't remember exactly where from but its all over the place.  If you search photographing water droplets on YouTube you'll get about a million results.  Anyway my method was to hang a plastic bag full of water off a tripod, cut a hole in the bottom so it would slowly drop water into a container then get my camera focused, set it to burst and hold down the button here's what I got.

First couple tries I had a hard time getting the droplet in focus,  as you will see below focus is just barely off center.

My solution to this was to put a thumbtack directly under where the drops were hitting and use where the thumbtack breaks the surface of the water as a focal point.

After this I had better luck and produced some decent pictures.

This is a very fun experiment if your looking to get some neat shots.  Especially if you have color films for your flash or even just a colored piece of paper to bounce the light off you can make a simple water droplet pretty interesting. 

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